Saturday 24 September 2011

Surgeons of Hope, The Day Family: Generation Two


Hi, my name is Victor Day and along with my lovely new wife, Cara, we are pleased to welcome you to the unofficial start of the second generation of the Day family. Dad and Mom are still alive and well. Both retired just after our wedding celebrations were over but that only lasted for one day for Johanna (Mom) as she wanted to do what she does best and take care of her patients. Unfortunately the medical positions were filled in the hospital back in Riverview but as soon as the administrator of the health care center in Twinbrook heard that Johanna was looking to return to work they offered her a resident position which she gladly accepted. So after hiring a moving company to move all of our belongings including our house we moved to Twinbrook and found a lovely lot for our home on Puddlewick Drive, just past the bridge.

Dad is still enjoying his retirement but don't be surprise if he decides to go back to work until the Grim Reaper comes a calling. Personally I think Dad and Mom want to stick around to see some grandchildren born so I guess Cara and I will just have to get busy on that one. Cara plans to keep working at the book store for now as she wants to be able to be home during the day to take care of our future little ones.

Now, I know you're all anxiously awaiting the details of our wedding. After a wonderful bachelor party last Saturday complete with dancing girls and getting drenched with nectar fizz, Cara and I were married at the lovely little wedding chapel in Riverview with all of our friends in attendance. Our wedding pictures will give you all the details.

Carter was able to attend our wedding as well before leaving to fulfill his duties as a personal caregiver to a dear friend of ours, Amari, who is expecting twins and needed extra care to ensue that the babies arrived safely into this world. Amari and Carter had met on an online chat and became good friends and Carter had found out that she was going through a very stressful time in her live with demands coming at her from every which way and she was being forced by someone to bear several babies in her lifetime. Since Carter is the only friend she has to confide in, he felt it necessary to be close to her as her friend and doctor. Cara and I, along with Oliver and Johanna send our best wishes to Amari and pray that everything will work out for her.

Chapter One: Life in Twinbrook and Second Chances Life has settled into a nice routine here in Twinbrook although not without the ups and downs of being celebrities. Sometimes the paparazzi make me so made when they stick their big noses into where they don't belong and then spread lies about us throughout the town. After our wedding night, like any newlyweds Cara and I did the romantic stuff that couples do in private to try and have a baby and then I was accused of making out with a 'cult'. How dare the paparazzi accuse my lovely wife, Cara of being a cult. Oh well, that's the life of a celebrity being the center of false accusations, rumors and all that really matters is the love that Cara and I have for each other. For the record, Cara did get pregnant right away and we just welcomed our first child into the world, a healthy, happy little girl whom we named Tara. Tara just celebrated her toddler birthday and is Daddy's precious little black haired daughter. Tara's uncle Carter sent her a doll but our mailbox seems to be haunted or something as we haven't been able to get our mail. That's OK though as we would rather Tara grow up developing friendships with her classmates in school and she's happy just playing with her toys. Cara and I are looking forward to having more children and can't wait to see how they grow up and what their career choices will be and hopefully one of them will want to be a surgeon like me to carry on our legacy. A few days after we settled into Twinbrook we almost lost Mom as the Grim Reaper came for her one night after speaking to our town leaders about an equipment shortage at the hospital. Fortunately, Johanna had a death flower in her inventory to offer Mr Grim, he was so happy that he not only let her live but allowed her to start her senior life all over again. When Dad found out that Mom didn't die, he decided to go back to work as well for he also had a death flower in his inventory which came in handy earlier today when Mr Grim came a calling for him, so now he gets to grow old again with Johanna. Dad and Mom are thinking of getting their own place sometime but want to stick around for more grandchildren. Work is going well and I've just been promoted to intern and have had the opportunity to host a couple of vaccination clinics. Dad and Mom are well on their way or regaining the title of World Renown Surgeon as they both had to start back at resident status when they returned to work but are now both Gene Therapists. Cara is still working at the bookstore so she can be home with Tara in the mornings and Dad and Mom get home shortly after two in the afternoon, so we haven't had to call a babysitter, yet. Well that's all the news for now and please join the Day family in their new home in Twinbrook as Cara and I seek to honor our parents in the second generation of "Surgeons of Hope".

Take care,

Victor Day

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've been reading your sim story and commented in the Maxis forum about its unusual nature in that it is in short story form instead of picture form. The resident Sims Forum librarian is very interested in this type of SimLit and would like me to post a link. Are you already a member there? If not, would you mind if I posted a link to this blog?
