Thursday 21 July 2011

Leaving a Legacy of Service to Others

Chapter One:  New Beginnings in Sunset Valley

Hi, my name is Grace Duff and have recently moved to Sunset Valley with my new husband, Tobias to take a position in the local police force where my mother was employed many years ago as a forensic specialist.  My dream though is to become an international super spy while raising a family and growing a wonderful garden with all the fruits and vegetables that one can imagine.   We built a nice starter home across from the Bunches on Maywood Lane, near the park where our children can play.

Tobias has gotten a position with the local business office and already has a promotion.  He also earned his first celebrity badge by befriending his badge, so now the paparazzi come around every night.   I love my job in the police force and have already been promoted to traffic cop and have become best friends with my partner, Hank Goddard.   My boss wants me to learn martial arts, so will be traveling to China when the household funds allow it.  I've also heard that the elementary school, here, gets their students to bring in a relic from China or Egypt for display, so I'll bring one home with me when I go.

Tobias and I found out about a little baby girl that someone mysteriously left at the hospital a few days ago who needed a home.  We were only too glad to adopt and shower her with all the love she needs and deserves to grow up into a happy adult.  The local social department brought her over to us and we named her Genna and she is just precious.  I only hope that we can be as good parents to her as mine were to me.   Since I bring the higher salary, Tobias has decided to take some time off work to help raise our little girl through her formative years.

Since Genna arrived in our lives things have gotten very busy and hectic around the Duff house.  Tobias takes care of our little girl when I'm at work and when she's sleeping he likes to play his guitar or dance to the radio.  About a couple of Sim years after we adopted Genna,  I became pregnant with our first child who will probably be heir to our estate when we are gone.  Tobias and I  threw a wonderful birthday party for Genna as she aged up into a toddler.  Ayeisha, on of our guests also celebrated her adulthood birthday at the same time.   The next day, Tobias needed to get out of the house so he took Genna to the new children's playground that just opened in town.  Erin Kennedy was there and she introduced Genna to the spring riders while Tobias was chatting with Victoria Andrews.
Playtime at the park was cut short when I went into labor and they arrived at the hospital just in time for the arrival of our son, Elias, into the world.  He was born with the brave and clumsy traits.

Before going off on maternity leave, I was promoted to patrol officer by my boss.  The extra money will come handy now that we have two children and will need to soon start working on the upstairs.  Tobias goes back to work in the morning as it is my turn to take care of the children.  My boss wants me to learn martial arts, so hopefully I can get Tobias to take a trip to China to get the training dummy and board breaker as well as bring a couple of relics back for the children for when they start school.

Well that's all the news for now, hope that everyone is having a super-duper day.  Many thanks goes out to the Kincaid family for making our town safe once more.  The Alto's are out on bail in our town but don't worry as a police officer who is sworn to protect the innocent will keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't try to organized any more illegal activities.

Chapter Two:  The Start of a Legacy

After the birth of Elias, Tobias and I discussed what sort of legacy or values we wanted to leave our children and descendents with.  While faithfulness and a stable home life is essential in any household, my parents also taught their children both in word and deed in importance of serving others and helping neighbors and friends in times of need.   As a police officer this is very important to always be available to help whether it be catching criminals to keep our streets safe,  helping a lost child find their way home, or just doing odd jobs around the neighborhood, service is one way to build trust and friendship with those around you. In Tobias' job service can be seen in provide honest and affordable business services for our citizens and make sure that the local business do not try to take advantage of the consumer.  Like the old saying goes, "Do unto others as you have them do unto you"  and this is what we want to leave with our children and teach them to help others in whatever profession they choose in life and to always be ready help others  when needed.

Back on the homefront, the renovations of our house have been completed and our house now has an upstairs with four bedrooms, a bathroom, and a family room to support our growing family.  Tobias is doing well at his job and has been promoted to report processor.  Genna will be starting school in a few days and just has to finish potty training before her birthday.  Elias' birthday is tomorrow when he will age up into a toddler and then Tobias and I can teach him how to walk, talk and potty which is a fun time for us as the toddler stage gives us bonding time with our children.

There's not that much else that's newsy.  I'll be going back to work in a few days.  Unfortunately we've also received word that there will be no traveling at this time as a tornado destroyed the local airport and it will be awhile before it is rebuilt.  In the meantime, an emergency flights will leave from the army airstrip but no commercial flights.

My boss, Justine Keaton, really wanted me to learn martial arts so she used her contacts and had the airport rebuilt a lot sooner than expected so that I could travel to China.  Martial Arts is something I've wanted to learn anyway to improve my athletic abilities, so I was glad to oblige and left for China a few days after Elias became a toddler and just before Genna's birthday.  In addition to learning the martial arts skill, one of the locals wanted me to find a special vase for them in the Halls of the Lost Army which I gladly agreed to do.  Knowing that sometimes elementary school students are also asked to bring in a relic from China or Egypt, I also explored the caverns under the market and found several Chinese relics to bring home.  Tobias' boss, Nick Alto, wants him to bring him five common relics.  I have to go back to China at some point to continue my martial arts training, so I'll bring back more relics then.  If I'd had known Tobias would need some relics for his job I wouldn't have sold all the ones that I brought back from my first trip except for the ones that our children would need for school.

Tobias threw a wonderful birthday party for Genna and she aged up into the cutest young girl with beautiful blonde hair as my brother so lovely calls her his 'blonde bomber niece'.  Today was her first day at school which always makes a parent a little anxious.  Elias will be starting school later this week.

My garden is finally starting to take shape and am now able to plan uncommon fruits and vegetables like lime trees, watermelon, and mystery seeds that I found around town.  Tobias is also becoming quite a musician and loves to play his guitar and drums.  Maybe someday he can earn extra money by playing a various local functions.

Chapter Three:  Family Life

One day after returning from China, Tobias and I spent a nice evening together and by the end of it we were expecting our third child.  Silas entered the world a couple of days after Elias started school and is a bright, healthy baby boy.   Both Genna and Elias have done well in school and both want to be world renown surgeons when they grow up just like their uncle Keiler.  Shortly after Elias started school, another little boy was born into the family and we named him Jonas.

Genna and Elias are now in high school and were voted prom Queen and King by their student peers and have both entered into romantic relationships.   The day before the prom, Genna's high school friend,  Caryn Ursine to ask Genna to be her date to which she said yes.   You guessed it, Genna has entered into an exclusive relationship with Caryn.  This is not a relationship that Tobias and I  are thrilled about but Caryn is a nice girl and Genna has to make her own decisions in life.  Elias is also in the beginning stages of a relationship with Corra Tomlinson who is from a new family that recently moved to Sunset Valley.

Tobias is doing great in the business world and has not only reached his lifetime goal of CEO (before his midlife birthday) but is now at the top of his career.  In his spare time, Tobias loves to play his music, dance wildly and just have a good time.   He is also a loving father but will discipline his children if he has to.  It pained him to do so, but Tobias had to ground Elias the other night for staying out past his curfew.  Sometimes I have to calm him down though has he tends to lecture his son over and over but I think Elias has learned his lesson.

My career is progressing more slowly than Tobias's as I am still a patrol officer.  That's what happens though when you keep having children keep having to back on maternity leave.  Tobias and I want one more child and then hopefully once I get back to work full time, then advancement in my career will happen faster.

A few days after Jonas became a toddler, my boss asked me to travel abroad and bring her back three more relics to inspect for illegal trade.  I decided to go back to China to get them and to complete a lesson in martial arts that one of the locals was teaching me.  First he had me spar twice with one of his best martial arts students who defeated me in both matches two to one.  Once I reach level five, I'll be returning to China again to mediate at the Scholar's Garden for two hours as part of my martial arts lessons.   As for the relics I brought back for my boss, Justine found some illegal items in one of them so she was very pleased and gave me a raise and a promotion and I'm now official part of the Special Forces unit of the police department.

Back on the home front,  Elias and Corra are now official dating and expect them to be engaged shortly after Elias graduates from high school.  Elias also seems to be taking after his father as he loves to dance whenever he gets the chance. Both of our eldest children along with Silas are bring home top grades which makes Tobias and I very happy.

Just a short time ago, Tobias and I adopted a baby girl that had been found abandoned at the local junkyard by someone who had gone to look for scrap metal.  My partner Hank and I responded to the police call and  fell in love the little girl and could not believe that someone was so heartless as to leave a baby at the junkyard of all places.  After getting her checked out at the hospital, I took her home and Tobias fell in love with her as well and we adopted her as our own.  Tobias decided to take a few days off work to care for our precious bundle of joy.  Now our little Gillian will never have to worry about being left alone again as she is adored by the whole family.  My sister, Vaunda even sent her cute doll that she found on one of her travels.  Vaunda sends her regards to everyone and says that she is having the time of her life and doing odd jobs here and there to keep herself fed, clothed and sheltered and as met many interesting people along the way.

Chapter Four:  A New Place to Call Home

Things have been pretty interesting at the Duff household.  Not too long after graduation, Genna and Caryn decide to move in together in a neighboring town where they had both been offered jobs in their respective careers.  Tobias and I miss her but we are happy that she is making a life for herself.  Elias has graduated from high school with honors and was nominated to be class valedictorian.  He is starting his medical career at the beginning of next week.  Silas is in high school now and is studying hard to make it on the honor roll.  Jonas, on the other hand, skipped too many school days and was not as diligent in doing his homework and as a result his marks are in the C range.  Tobias and I hope that he turns things around in high school as he becomes a teenager today.  Our youngest Gillian just celebrated her birthday and starts school on Monday.

Just before Tobias graduated we had to move to a new house as our old house was damaged by an electrical storm and somehow all the locks got jammed and those who were inside the house at the time could not leave.  Fortunately  I was outside with Gillian at the time, so I was able to call the power company to have the power shut off long enough to get the rest of the family out.  We found out our house suffered too much damage, so our insurance company helped us find another house located at 28 Sim Lane and after a few renovations to the upstairs and basement family room added under the carport we were able to move in.

The other main news of the day is that our son, Elias is finally engaged to be married to his high school sweetheart, Corra Tomlinson and they are the cutest couple.  At his bachelor party, Tobias surprised him by hiring party dancers to liven the party.  Of course, Tobias did a pretty good job of entertaining the guests with his guitar playing and wild countertop dancing.  We plan to have the wedding at the local chapel on Sunday afternoon with family and friends in attendance.  I'm sure there will be lots of pictures to share when it's over.   Tobias and I so excited for Tobias and Corra and can't wait until we have grandchildren to spoil rotten as we enter our senior years.

Chapter Five:  Weddings, Proms  and Graduations

Elias and Corra are now happily married and their wedding was beautiful.  It is so wonderful to see true love blossoming and in the short time they've been married, Elias and Corra have already received the 'eternally faithful' reputation. This makes me think of my parents and the love they had for each other and I'm humbled to think that their legacy of faithfulness is still being seen in their grandchildren even though service has been the main theme of the Duff family.  No matter what legacy the Steel siblings  pass on in their own families, faithfulness will always live on in the Steel generations to come.   Tobias and I are pleased to announce that we are expecting our first grandchild and of course, like all grandparents we'll be spoiling our grandkids with lots of love and gifts here and there, whether they live in the household or not.

Silas and Jonas have both just attended their proms and have found their lifetime partners.  Silas was asked to the dance by his classmate Janette Hendren who confessed her attraction to  and kissed him at the prom.  They became really smitten with each other as they were never apart the whole night.  Since Janette became a young adult last night, Silas will have to wait until graduation before they are official dating but that won't be long.  Jonas was also invited to the prom by his best friend, Dustin Corbett and you guessed it, they are now in love with each other.  While Tobias and I would have preferred a different arrangement, we are letting our children choose their own pathways in life and will never stop loving them no matter which lifestyle they choose.  Will keep you posted though on future wedding plans for Silas and Janette.  Just a side note,  Silver was telling me that she has a cousin in real life who is named Janette, small world isn't it?

Both Silas and Jonas have made the honor roll in high school and Tobias and I both hope that Silas can keep that standing as he has a tendency to skip school sometimes and we have to make him go to school.  Gillian will be entering high school in a couple of days and is currently getting high grades as well.  Elias has just started his medical career and Corra has joined the local soccer team but is currently on maternity leave.

Shortly after my last update, Elias and Corra welcomed their first child into the world and she is the cutest little bundle of joy that you ever did see.  Grandparents are suppose to say that about their first grandchild, I'm sure that Tobias and I will think that about all the grandchildren that we will privileged to see born before our time on this earth is over.   The proud parents named their little girl, Farrah and my nephew, Ryder sent her a special doll to welcome her birth.   Farrah just became a toddler and named her doll, Valla and has taken to playing with her right of the bat.

Before Farrah's birthday both Corra and I took separated trips to China.  My boss wanted me to mingle with the citizens there and learn more of their culture for an upcoming undercover assignment at the police department.  Corra was asked by her sister, Anna, to find out about a secret training technique from a local that helps improve one's athletic skills.  We both had a lot of fun, I was able to complete an adventure a the Absolute Fist Retreat as part of my martial arts training by the local Special Merchant, Li Yuan.   Corra did some odd jobs for some locals like catch some special fish for the Scholar's Garden's ponds and help Chan Su with his research project on the Dragon's Maw.

Silas will soon be getting married to his girlfriend, Janette Hendren as he has just reached his young adult years.  After graduation, he plans to get a place of his own and then they will have a quiet wedding on their own.  Tobias and I happy for him and wish him all the best as they start a new life together and look forward to more grandchildren to spoil.

Chapter Six:  Move to Twinbrook

Scout Sargent of the Twinbrook Police Department, heard that I was almost an international super spy and contacted me with an offer to join their team.  Apparently they got wind of a planned missile attack by the local crime syndicate and needed my help in disarming their secret weapon.  I readily accepted the offer and challenge and Tobias and I along with most of the family quickly packed our things and hired moving company to move us.  Silas stayed behind in Sunset Valley as he had just purchased his own home and getting it ready for when he gets married to Janette. 

Our real estate agent in Sunset Valley found us a nice lot located at 16 Puddlewick Drive in Twinbrook to where we could move our house.  We had put a lot of work into renovating the house next to Mosquito Cove that we decided to hire a company that specializes in moving premade homes and take our house with us as it would save a lot time and money in building a new one.

A few days after settling into our new jobs and schools, the chief of police gave me the location of the secret weapon and that evening was successful in disarming the device.   The people of Twinbrook can rest easy again as another plot in the local crime syndicate was foiled.   I will be ready to defend my fellow citizens again if any further terrorist plans are uncovered.

Elias is doing well in medical school and is now a paramedic and recently held his first vaccination clinic.  His boss also wanted him to go to Egypt to catch some scarab beetles for medical research. Elias just returned from his trip but unfortunately was short one beetle so will have to go back at later date with some home grown flame fruit for one of the locals as his contact forgot to give him the key to the Pyramid of the Burning Sands.  Tobias and I just glad he made it home safely as he accidentally woke up a mummy in the tomb but managed to escape unscathed.   Our brave son, wants to defeat a mummy someday but we advised him against it as we don't want the mummy leaving him with a deadly curse and I'm sure that Corra and his little girl, Farrah want to have him around for a long time.

Chapter Seven: It's Good to be Home A few months ago, we all decided to take sabaticals from our stressful jobs and take an extended vacation to a little tropical island in the middle of Sim Ocean. The family had lots of fun swimming, sunbathing, building sandcastles and all the stuff that people do while on vacation. As with all vacations, they tend to come to end way too quick and it was soon time for us to head back to our regular lives or so we thought. Upon returning home we found that our jobs had be filled by others as our bosses thought we weren't coming back, how silly of them. Luckily, a new job offer was waiting for me in our mailbox and I was asked to join the police department in a town called Hidden Springs. After packing up all of our stuff and hiring a moving van, we moved to Hidden Springs as my position was to start on Monday morning. Tobias and I found a nice lot on Sunstone Court and rebuilt our house and got ourselves all moved in. Tobias joined the local business office as their head broker. Elias got a job at the local hospital as a bed pan cleaner at first as the paramedic positions were full at the time but has since been promoted back to paramedic and Corra joined the local soccer team as a 'rabid fan'. Jonas and Gillian are in high school and looking to regain their high academic standings. Our little granddaughter is just enjoying being a toddler and playing with her special doll while learning the important things she needs to know to grow up happy and healthy. She has learned to walk and talk and we are in the process of teaching her to potty. Well that's all the news in a nutshell for now and the Duff family would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our friends to our new home in Hidden Springs. Hope that you have a great day and play safe.

Your friend,

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