Wednesday 20 July 2011

Establishing a Legacy of Music, Generation One

Chapter One:  Return to Twinbrook by Carol Steel (nee Funke)

Hi everybody, this is Carol and I decided move back to my hometown of Twinbrook after many years in the city and took a job in the local business office.  It's nice to see my old friends again after so many years.   Isaac Steel also moved here from Bridgeport to start work at the local science lab and it was love at first sight, so after a private wedding ceremony we built a house on Savannah Road next door to the Greenwoods so that Isaac can take up gardening as it is a skill he needs to become a scientist.

Having a scientist for a husband has been great as he came across some fountain of youth water at the science lab and I drank some and lo and behold, I'm young again.  We will have to make sure though that rest of the water is locked up so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands like someone who wants to take over the world for evil purposes.

This time around I decided since I love to play all musical instrumentals that I want to master the guitar, piano, bass, and drums before my life is over.  Isaac wants to be robot creature creator and hopefully make the potion to turn our children's imaginary friends into real humans if they so desire.  Our desire is that our children grow up to be happy and ambitious adults and succeed in whatever they do.  Isaac and I secretly hope though that they will also have a love for music and science and bring joy wherever they go.

After quickly getting settled into our new careers, Isaac and I adopted a sweet baby boy named Ian who lost his parents in a car accident shortly after he was born.   Even though we do plan to have our own child someday we mainly want to adopt as their are a lot of children out there who desperately need a loving home to grow up in. 

Life in the Steel household has settled into a nice routine.  Ian was sent a special doll named Scotty from a distant cousin and since he's aged up into the cutest little toddler, he loves to play it almost all time.  We recently purchased a block set for Ian as well and he has taken a liking to playing with them as well.

Isaac has received his first promotion to lab technician in his science career.  This position also gives him a chance to keep an eye on Lincoln Baker for our secret friend Adam Kincaid who is trying to solve his sister's murder and Lincoln is one of his prime suspects.   After hearing the stories of people mysteriously disappearing and then turning up dead by apparent accidental drowning as the local police would like you to believe,  I began to wonder if that is what happened to the rest of my family as my mom did work for Mr Baker at the science lab as well and maybe she somehow stumbled onto something suspicious that she was suppose to.   It's quite possible that Sabrina (my mother) was going to tell my father, Rhett who was an undercover cop for the local police department about what she found.  My sister, Irene was also apprenticing at the time with her father in her quest to become a famous super spy.   To avoid being found out, Lincoln and his mother along with their accomplices killed them as well as my brothers Spencer, Brett (who worked at the hospital and may have also been perceived to be a threat) and my younger sister, Katrina who may have been material witnesses that these criminals had to get rid of.  Fortunately for me I wasn't at home at the time because I had returned to France to deliver some nectar that I had made for a friend there.

In light of this, when I was offered a position as filing clerk in the local political offices, I jumped at the chance because like Adam, I want these criminals to be brought to justice for destroying my family and his sister as well and perhaps prevent further needless deaths.  According to Adam the victims were people that had been adopted by families here in Twinbrook.  Sophie was from Sunset Valley and was working on a case for her mother when she disappeared.  I think she was getting too close to the truth and that's what got her killed.   So Adam, if you are reading this I hope you find out the truth about your sister and that you don't mind me helping out in the background.

As a filing clerk, I thought I could look through the adoption records that are kept here to see if there is any link to drowning victims, like which adoption agency was used and the backgrounds of the adoptees.  Maybe something will turn up to help you in your investigation.   I also have a charm about me that people are drawn to, maybe I'll use that charm to try and get information out the persons of interest in this case, like maybe my boss, Bill Racket.   From the dynamics of the case, I'd say there are several inside people involved like someone in the government, working at the hospital, in the local  adoption agency, police department, and maybe even around the world who aid the Bakers in their evil plans.  Who knows maybe my friend Silver Day stumbled on something on that free trip she and Nick were on and someone did away with her there and that's why she didn't come home which caused Nick to go into hiding with his family.

Many thanks goes out to  our friend, Adam Kincaid and his mother Amy for solving the recent murders in this town which included my family and putting those responsible, the Alto family from Sunset Valley behind bars and for making Twinbrook a safe place to live once again.  My family can now rest in peace.  Isaac and I can raise our children without any fear that some maniac might try to harm them in any way.

Now that that's out of the way, Isaac and I can now work on developing a legacy that we can pass on to our children and future generations through our heir.  Our hope is that not only the heir to our estate but also the rest of the family will carry our values into their own homes once they have grown up and moved on.   In deciding what type of legacy we wanted to pass on, Isaac and I looked at the values that our parents taught us and the things in our own lives that we would like to see passed on.   Isaac's parents taught him that value of faithfulness in marriage and my parents taught me the importance of putting the care of one's family ahead of our own desires in life.  While Isaac and I will strive to live up to these values that were instilled in us by our parents, we have decided to pass on something that is very important to both Isaac and I and that is my love for music.   No matter what profession our children take on when they grow up, we want both our heir and his/her siblings to develop a love for music as well that will stay with them throughout their lives.  As a musician, myself, I find that playing a musical instrument is a great way to unwind after a long day at work and is also comforting in facing any tragic events that come into a person's life from time to time.

It looks like Isaac and I will be moving again as Isaac has accepted a job offer from the Barnacle Bay Science Research Center.  I guess we'll get all the moving out of the way so our heir can hopefully call this new town, home.  Just before the move, Ian aged up to a toddler, so we'll have fun teaching him everything he needs to know to grow up well.

Chapter Two:   New Beginnings in Barnacle Bay

The move to Barnacle Bay went smooth and we bought the Piscator's Cabin located at 502 Crabpot Close.  After adding an upstairs with four bedrooms, a bathroom and family room and also redecorating and furnishing the downstairs,  Isaac and I are now getting settled into our new home along with our son, Ian.  We made a cute little nursery next to our room on the main floor of the house.    The local adoption agency, when they heard that we want to adopt most of our children, asked us if we would be interested in a young girl that was found wandering the beach who appeared to be abandoned.  Why any parent would abandon their child like that is beyond me, so naturally Isaac and said that we would gladly take her in.   Will let you know all the details once we sign the adoption papers and we already have her name picked out, Cheryl and we will shower her with all the love  that she apparently didn't get in her formative years.

Isaac is now official employed at the local science lab and this time around I decided to try my hand as an interior decorator.  Have heard that this is one of the toughest career choices as the people here are hard to please.  I always enjoy a challenge and will put my natural charm to good use in making the homes of Barnacle Bay more beautiful than they already are.  This profession should also give me more time fully learn to play the guitar, piano, drums, and bass as my lifetime wish is to become a One Sim Band.

Cheryl has settled well into our home and she is always cheery and brightens your day.  She did well in elementary school and earned her way onto the honor roll.  As a reward, Isaac and I threw a birthday party for her before Cheryl started high school and she aged up into a bright, young teenager who is loved by her friends.  In fact, she danced with her best friend from school Marcus Malifa and I think that there is a little romance in the air between those two as they had a wonderful time together.  A couple of days later, Cheryl invited Marcus and they ended up having their first date together at the house.  Although there was no kissing, yet, they both had a wonderful time together chatting, hugging, dancing and watching the stars.  Isaac and I are happy for Cheryl but cautioned her to take things slow as she is only in high school but we do approve of Marcus as he is very respectful.

My first few days as an interior designer is off to a great start and have already had my first promotion.   I also received an award from the town for receiving five good reviews on my work in a row.  Out of eight renovations, I've only received two bad reviews even though I did everything that they wanted but I guess they didn't like the purchases I made for them.  Oh well, you can't please everyone.  One thing about my work is that I've become friends with everyone I've worked for so far and am already a renown VIP in Barnacle Bay.   Both Isaac and Cheryl also have two celebrity stars.

Now, I've saved the best news for last, I just gave birth to two beautiful twin girls,  Carrie and Iris.  Iris gave us a little scare at first as she was born with a strange mutation.  The doctors were able to fix that by giving her a shot of a growth hormone that aged her up to toddler so we could change her outfits.  Since Carrie is her twin, she was also given the same shot as Iris so they could age up together.   Since then Isaac and the researchers at the science lab were able to isolate the cause of the genetic mutations and get rid of its source, so we shouldn't have to go through that experience again.  We just happy that both of our girls are now healthy, happy and having fun playing with the dolls that their uncle Keiler and aunt Alicia sent them in the mail.

Chapter 3:   Family Life

Just before our twins were born, Ian aged up all ready to start school.  We had a party for him but it was cut short when I went into labor.   Ian is a bright young boy who already knows what he wants to be when he grows up and that's world renown surgeon.   As a mother who loves music, I was thrilled that as he then became a teenager a few years later, Ian also showed a love for playing musical instruments and Cheryl  has also chosen to master the guitar and charisma skills which was my original desire for my life until learning to play other instruments.    Cheryl and Ian both attended their prom and were crowned Queen and King.  By the end of the night Cheryl and Marcus officially became romantically involved with each other and Ian also found out that fellow high school student, Autumn Walker had a crush on him and are now considered a couple.   This makes it hard for Isaac and I to choose who will be heir to our estate as both wish to carry on our love for music.   Both make us proud everyday by doing well in school and helping out around the house.

Carrie and Iris are also in school and are earning top grades.  Iris  is the genius and observant one of the family.  She hasn't picked her lifetime goal, yet but I'm sure that she will succeed at anything she chooses to do.  Carrie is our other bookworm in the family and wants to learn the writing skill.  Isaac and I will not be surprised if she chooses to be an author or journalist or could surprise us all by following a totally different career path, like her mother.

Shortly after the twins started school,  Isaac and I adopted a sweet little dark skinned boy with blonde hair by the name of Ishmael who was a survivor from cruise ship that had sunk in the ocean after it had been severely damaged in a storm on the ocean.   He was one of few of the passengers where rescued but his parents had perished as they could only hold on to their son long enough for him to be rescued.   As someone who lost her family, I know what it's like to be alone in this world so Isaac and I along with his siblings will shower Ishmael with the love and comfort that he needs at this time.

My architectural design career is going well and have just been promoted to level four.  Most clients have been pleased with the work that I've done for them and have only received three bad reviews since beginning my new career which has the town officials of Barnacle Bay very pleased.   Isaac is now ferterlizer analyst in his science career and is also keeping his gardening skills up-to-date which is a must for researchers in the lab.  I just recently aged up to adult life and am now having a mid life crisis as I still have a long way to go to reach my goal of a one Sim band as my career is taking up most of my time so there's been less opportunities to play my music although I do get invited to play with local bands at various entertainment and fund raising functions around town.  Isaac is also about to enter his midlife years and we will see how he handles that.

Chapter Four:  Our Children are Growing Up

Cheryl has graduated from high school at the top of her class and made us proud by being named class valedictorian and has decided that she wants to be fish for a living to give herself more time to learn charisma and guitar  also well as this would allow her to spend more time with her family.  Marcus and Cheryl are officially dating  and don't be surprised if there are wedding bells in the near future.  I'm excited for this as there is a new Wedding Chapel in town where we can have wedding ceremonies for our children as they get married.

Ian also has a girlfriend as mentioned before, so we expect he and Corra will tie the knot shortly after he graduates as well.   It has been very tough choosing the heir of our estate but Isaac and I have decided that Ian will carry on our legacy of music.  Although Cheryl does have music in her future,  Ian seems to be the proper choice as he was adopted first and shows a talent for a variety of musical instruments like his mother.  He  has also chosen to follow in his uncle Keiler's footsteps and become a world renown surgeon.

Carrie and Iris have both become beautiful young teenagers and are doing well in high school.  Iris just got home from a trip to France where she had to interview a Sim from France for her teacher.  She is a lot like me as she makes friends easily and always has a happy attitude.  Carrie is the perfectionist of the family and loves to read books.  I think she may be a writer someday as she has taken an extracurricular course in writing.  It is Iris's dream to have the lifestyle of the rich and famous and to master the charisma skill in her lifetime.  Carrie hasn't chosen her goal yet, but I'm sure she will soon enough.   Ismael has also started school and is already an honor student.

My design career is going well and have become a Decor Debutant which is level five in the architectural design field.   All my clients are happy with the work I do for them and are getting me to do bigger jobs.  Just the other day,  Alec Trebo (who is one of the richest people in town) had me put a swimming pool in his backyard with various accents to go with it like pool lights, a drink bar, and lounge chairs.  He was very happy with the job I did for him.  Tobias has also reached the halfway mark in his career and still has plenty of time to reach his goal.

Chapter Five:  Weddings and Graduations

Exciting things have been happening in the Steel household.  Ian has graduated from high school at the top of his class was valedictorian.  Isaac and I are proud of his accomplishments and are sure that he will success in his lifetime goal.  Ian is now working at the hospital as a bedpan cleaner as he works his way through medical school towards becoming world class doctor.   I am also happy to report that he and Autumn are now official dating and will be married in the near future.

Iris and Carrie will soon be graduating and we hope that Iris can pull her grades back up and graduate with honors.  She went through a little rebellious period when she skipped school a couple of times and that brought her grades down.  Cheryl lectured her, though and Iris is now working harder than ever on her schoolwork.  Her teacher had her return to France to interview another local for extra marks as well.   Ismael is also on the honor roll and wants to master the guitar and charisma skills for his lifetime wish and has really taken to the arts as he is learning to paint as well.   All three just attended their prom the other night and had a great time.  Ishmael became romantically involved with his friend,  Consuelo  Massey who seems to be a really nice girl.

Now, I've save the best news for last,  Marcus and Cheryl have finally tied the knot and got married after long dating period.  Cheryl has been so faithful to Marcus while they were dating that she has already received the faithful reputation from the folks of Barnacle Bay.  Their wedding was a little different as Marcus and Cheryl decided to have their marriage ceremony  at the new wedding chapel in town.   Unfortunately we weren't able to decorate the place with the wedding arch or cake but they got married anyways in the outdoor dining area.  They had the cake cutting ceremony the next morning at home with just family.

After the wedding, Marcus got a job the the science center where Isaac works and will start in a few days.  So they could start a family of their own, Marcus and Cheryl purchased a starter house that had recently been built at  432 Tidal Terrace and converted it into a nice family home.  Once they were settled in their new home, Marcus and Cheryl adopted a little boy whose mother had recently passed away at the hospital from cancer and the father had disappeared shortly after he was born.  He is just the sweetest little grandson and his name is Lucas.  As a grandmother,  I plan to visit them every chance I get and spoil him rotten and I'm sure the Isaac will do the same.

Iris and Carrie have both graduated from high school with honors and Carrie was voted to be valedictorian and most likely to write a best selling novel.  Carrie has decided that she wants to join the culinary career while pursuing her gardening dream.  Iris wants to be rich and famous and has decided to go into the music career.   Ishmael will be graduating soon and has also made the honor roll and wants to master the guitar and charisma skills like his sister.

Isaac and I have decided that even though Ian will be heir to our estate we want our children to all be apart of the second generation as it is our desire that each of them keep in contact with each other whether they marry, move out, or live at home.  We want our grown children to know that they always have a home, here  even after they have moved out and started lives of their own.  Once our lives on this earth are over, Ian will take over the story of generation two and I have asked Silver to keep tabs on his siblings, nieces and nephews from time to time so that updates from their lives can be included.  Another reason for this is that Isaac and I would like our grandchildren to grow up knowing and playing with their cousins and because that is what family is all about.  Sometimes that is the best part about being a kid is spending time with aunts, uncles and cousins.  Ian also plans to have a monthly family barbeque to bring the family together.

This being said, here is a little update from Marcus and Cheryl.  After graduation, today  Isaac, Ian and I went to visit them and our little grandson and boy is he growing up fast and his birthday is just in a couple of days.  Little Lucas took right to Ian who taught him how to talk.  We received word the next day from Cheryl that Lucas had also learned how to walk and she also thanked us for sending our grandson and special doll for him to grow up with.  We had a nice visit and Isaac even barbequed some hotdogs for supper.   Carrie, Iris, and Ishmael also plan to visit the Malifas  to get to know their nephew as well.  Maybe we'll a pay them a surprise visit on Lucas's birthday.

Back on the home front, Ian and Autumn are finally engaged and plan to have their wedding in the near future at the new hotel in town that also caters to weddings.  The girls all have their wedding outfits bought and we just have to get the men outfitted.    Ian is doing well in medical school and is already a paramedic.  Carrie will be traveling to Egypt soon as she was asked by the local adventuring team to disarm a trap there.  Both of our daughters have learned how to make nectar and are thrilled that the Nectary has Cranerlet Nuala and Gralladina Fran that they can harvest and plant in their own garden.

Isaac and I are proud to announce the safe arrival of our new grandson, Linus born to Marcus and Cheryl just a few hours ago.  We plan to go visit them tomorrow and cuddle him for the first time.  Ian was going to visit but was interrupted when someone required medical assistance just outside the hospital. Lucas is growing up fast and as just started school and is already diligent at doing his homework from what Cheryl tells us, so we're sure he'll do well.

Iris just returned home from a quick trip to France to deliver some nectar she made to Jean-Luc Pivert at the nectary.  She also had an opportunity to solve a mystery at the museum and lay the old curator's remains to rest beside his wife as he had somehow gotten trap in a room in the cellar of the museum.  Iris also had the good fortune of finding a couple of rainbow gems so Ismael will be able to make his imaginary friend real someday.  Since we last chatted Carrie has gotten a job at the local bistro in town and is in training to become a chef and Iris has joined the music career.

Ian would like to extend an invitation to all his friends to attend his wedding to be held at the local hotel which offers banquet facilities for weddings.  By this time tomorrow we will be welcoming Autumn Walker into the family as our new daughter-in-law.  Then Isaac and I can't wait for more grandchildren and then we can have the family together so that the cousins can play with each other. Ian did have a short bachelor party but it got interrupted with the arrival of our grandson, so of course we all went to the hospital to be with Marcus and Cheryl at this joyous time.

Chapter Six:  More Family Excitement

As you know Ian and Autumn's was beautiful and went off without a hitch except for a few embarrassing moments here and there.   Our little grandson, Lucas was handsome in his little tuxedo and was honorary ring bearer.   Isaac and I think that Autumn had one too many celebration drinks as by the end of the night she started flirting a little with my husband.  She quickly snapped out of whatever her last drink did to her and was embarrassed about what she had done and apologized for her frowardness.  Ian and Isaac quickly forgave her and Autumn has learned her lesson and has shown a lot of maturity since then and is thankful that we prevented her from doing something worse and damaging her faithful reputation.  The best news of all is the Ian and Autumn are expecting their first child.  Isaac is so excited he likes to listen to Autumn's tummy every change he gets.  I'll have to take him over to visit Marcus and Cheryl one of these days to visit his grandchildren there.

Ishmael has just graduated from high school with top marks and was class valedictorian.  He celebrating his graduation by going out on a date with his girlfriend,  Consuelo Massey at the new Country Nectary and they had a wonderful time.  They do plan to get married at a private ceremony when Ishmael moves into his new home at 397 Tidal Terrace.  That will leave Iris and Carrie left at home but I'm sure they'll find their true loves before long.  Our two daughters are talking about getting a place together here, in town where Carrie can continue her gardening dream and continue to work at the local bistro.

This just in,  Ishmael and Consuelo have been married in private ceremony at their new home.  Isaac and I are very happy for them and welcome our new daughter-in-law to the family.   Ishmael's siblings also would like to congratulate the happy couple and wish them all the best in their new lives together.  Ishmael tells me that Consuelo wants to join the journalism career once their honeymoon period is over.  Of course, Isaac and I can't wait for more grandchildren.

Business is going well and have been promoted to level seven of the interior design profession.  Today, my son-in-law Marcus wanted me to do some decorative landscaping by adding some lounge chairs, plants, outdoor lights, and a couple of sculptures by the hot tub and around the yard.  As a bonus I even bought a see-saw and spring rider for the kids to play with.  Had a nice visit and got to celebrate both Lucas's and Linus's birthdays with them.  Lucas is now in high school and has become quite the young dare-devil and  Linus is now a toddler.  I do have some pictures  and will have my assistant post them in the morning.    Isaac just has two promotions to go before he reaches his lifetime goal of becoming a robot creature breeder.  I'm happy for him as long as our town doesn't get overrun by robots.

Chapter Seven:  Yet Another Move

I must be the most moved Sim in the whole Sim World as we have moved yet again to the new town, Hidden Springs.  A hurricane came in off the bay and caused so much damage that everyone had to move as nothing in the town was salvagable.  The good news is that no one lost their lives and that house and possessions can be replaced.  Fortunately, Isaac and I had the foresight to keep exact copies of our house and property plans so that when we moved we were able to build and exact replica of our house on a nice lot located on Bristlecone Way that was recommended by our niece Patricia Steel before she moved to Barnacle Bay.

We also had Marcus and Ishmael do this as well with their homes in case some disaster hit Barnacle Bay like many of our neighboring towns experienced due to severe tropical storms.   Marcus and Ishmael have moved to Bridgeport with their families to take positions at the Bridgeport Science Lab.   Cheryl will give you a complete update on their move once they are settled.

So Isaac and I welcome you to our new home in Hidden Valley and hopefully my interior decorating business will continue from where I left off in Barnacle Bay and that I can make my clients happy with their homes.  Then again I may retire soon and stay home to look after the grandkids and hopefully this will be the last move that Isaac and I will make during our remaining time on earth.

Chapter Eight:  Milestones

Earlier this week,  Ian, Autumn, Summer, Isaac and I bid farewell to Iris, Scotty and Jane as they began their move to the city of Bridgeport to take positions in their respective careers.  As soon as Scotty joined the ghost hunter position the Bridgeport Ghost Annialators wanted him on their team as ghosts of all types are running rampid there and are scaring the good citizens of Bridgeport half to death and they want to prevent them from moving out of the city.   Jane will join the local police department and Iris has transferred her job to the music department at the theatre.

Isaac has just reached the top of his science career and therefore is thrilled to have completed his lifetime wish of becoming a creature robot breeder.  I'm doing quite well in architectual design and have only three more promotions to reach the top and then I can retire.  Reaching the top of two careers in my lifetime would be a wonderful accomplishment.

Ian and Autumn are doing great and rumor has it that they are expecting their second child.  Summer is now the cutest little toddler that you ever did see.  Grandmothers are suppose to say that about their grandchildren but she does have the prettiest auburn hair.  Grandpa Isaac has already taught her to walk and one of us adults are looking forward to teaching her how to talk and potty as well.

Since my last update, Ian has been promoted to Gene Therapist in his medical career and is well on his way to his next promotion.  His boss had asked him to travel to Egypt to get some scarab beetles, so Ian obliged and went a few days ago. While there, Ian had the opportunity to explore the tomb behind the camp on his own.  Travel in Egypt is a little different now as usually when you come from a new town, some one gets you to retrieve papers from that tomb but this time both Ian and Isaac have been asked to get flame fruit from the Tomb of the Burning Sands but their contact keeps forgetting to give them the key.  Fortunately Isaac had a flame fruit left over from before our move to Hidden Springs and once the fruit is grown, either he or Ian will take some on their next trip.  Anyways, Ian was able to catch the scarab beetles he needed as well as get a couple of relics for Isaac that his boss at work wanted.

Now for some exciting news,  Ian and Autumn are pleased to announce the arrival of their twin girls into the world,  Audrey and Winter.  Both were born happy and healthy and are resting comfortably at home.  As soon as the news spread,  Ian's brother, Ishmael and his wife, Consuelo sent the twins each a special doll to grow up with.  Autumn decided to go the fishing park where the Fountain of Youth is and take a drink of the water, unfortunately nothing happened and her wish for youth did not come true.  She did however, make one of her other wishes come true and that was to learn how to fish.

Well the years are flying by for Isaac and I but we still have many twilight years left to enjoy in our lifetime.   Ian and Autumn are also inching closer to their senior years so I'm thinking that when the time comes for Isaac and I to leave this world, it will be time for our heirs to choose which of their girls will lead the third generation of our music legacy, which will probably be Summer as she is the eldest.  I guess all those moves made Ian and Autumn age faster than they should have.  Oh well, maybe a few drinks from the Fountain of Youth may help them there.

Well that's all the new exciting news for now and if anyone needs some decorating done please don't hesitate to call Carol's Famous Designs for all of your renovation needs.

Yours as always,


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