Tuesday 12 July 2011

"The Legacy of a Stable Home Life"

Chapter One:  All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait, Including Love

I, Mindy Cal, just moved to Bridgeport to start a career in music which will help me reach my goal of mastering the guitar and charismatic skills.  The second skill comes natural to me, so with lots of interactions with the public and friends, I should be able to master that in no time.   My real estate agent found me a nice condo style apartment at 5601 19th Avenue, which is very affordable to new residents and has had great reviews from previous tenants.

Most of the people in Bridgeport are very friendly and Hyacinth Atkins and Beau Merrick came to welcome me.  We visited and I made autumn salad for dinner and was surprise that Beau could have some as he is a vampire.  Imagine meeting a vampire on your first day in town, exciting.  Contrary to popular belief that vampires are scary and mean, in this town they actually look and dress just like the rest of us, except they wear a lot of black.  Even though Beau is grumpy and has a mean streak, he actually is a nice guy under his tough exterior.  Like they say, you can't judge a book by it's cover.  Hyacinth and I became quick friends as she came back to visit the next night.  Beau also came to visit one evening and we had a nice chat and danced to the radio.  Haven't seen him since, so will have to give him a call to see how he is doing.

Work is going quite well and I've already made it to Stagehand in the music career.  Tom Wordy is my boss and came over to visit one night and we became friends which gave me an instant two star  celebrity status as he is a VIP in the town.  Romeo Rake surprised me with a visit the other night and we hit right off  as we talked and danced together (My creator Silver is secretly hoping we get together as a couple, but we will have to wait and see).   The next day after work, I took a guitar course to jump start that skill and then afterward had a lot of fun jamming with another Sim outside the theater. In my spare time I also like to work out to maintain my athletic figure.  Tom, my manager, wants me to go to Egypt to run in the desert for an hour.  I have another engagement to do first at a local bar and then will probably take a working/vacation to Egypt to make my boss happy.

Well that about sums up my first two weeks in town where there is never a dull moment.  As every girl dreams of, who will be the man to sweep me off my feet?  Romeo's done a good job of that so far.  Will he be the one or is there someone else in store for me?  Stay tuned to find answers to that question as my life unfolds in a little city called Bridgeport.

My celebrity agent had me go to the Plasma 501 bar to promote one of their drinks and what a knock out drink as I crashed soon after getting home for the night and woke up not remembering anything I did in the past week.   Silver, my creator, says that due to a power outage everything I did during that time period was wiped out so it is if the week didn't happen.  One thing I won't forget though is the evening spent with Romeo, what a hunk!

Shortly after befriending Tom Wordy, he invited me to my first party.  I had a lot of fun and played my guitar with the other musicians.   Vladimir Schlick, a local vampire, invited me to his party shortly after that.  The party was kind of dull as he went to bed shortly after I arrived, some party and here I thought vampires knew how to have fun.  There is no shortage of visitors in Bridgeport as friends and neighbors tend to drop in at all hours of the night.  I don't mind, though as it keeps a girl from getting lonely.   My co-worker, Buster Round and I have become best friends and we've had a couple of fun outings together dancing and watching the stars together.  Nothing romantically developed in out relationship as he is quite a bit older than me, so we are happy being friends.

My music career is going well and have been promoted to music talent scout and later I hope to join the rock branch on my next promotion.  I am also progressing well in my goal to master both the guitar and charisma skills.  To jump start my guitar skills, I took a class after work one day.  There is not a lot of room to practice in my apartment, so I have either go to the park or play wherever I can find room.  I've also completed the first two charisma challenges so making friends is a lot easier.  In my spare time I like to workout and keep my athletic abilities in top notch.  Exercise is also a great stress reliever.

The local restaurant wants me to make Falafel for them which is an Egyptian dish, so I went to Egypt to buy the recipes.  Fikry Ameen wanted me to find some important government papers for him in the Tomb of Discovery, which I did and then he sent me to Tahiya Shalut for other assignments.  Tahiya and I became quick friends and after finding special stones and interviewing three locals, she sent me into the Tomb of the Burning Sands for some flame fruit but my trip was over before I could finish the mission.   Upon returning home, my boss wanted me to go back to Egypt to learn more about Egyptian music.  Why he didn't ask me to do this before I went the first time, I'll never know  but one must keep their boss happy, so I returned to Egypt a few days later and got the information he need.  Unfortunately I couldn't finish the flame fruit job as the door had been relocked and I had used the key on my first trip.   A couple of the locals had me busy with jobs though.  Relic merchant, Zahra Diab had me find thirteen pieces of copper to make relic replicas for her store and Farouk  Rashid wanted me to retrieve a special relic for him that someone had left in the Tomb of Discovery.  Sometimes I don't know what the citizens of Egypt would do without us tourists as every time I visit there is always something to repair, this time it was the toilet.

Well I have one day left in my visit to Egypt and it should be filled with adventure.  Oh, I bought a snake charming basket and love to try my hand at snake charming when I get a chance.

Upon my return home, I finally got a chance to take the cooking class that I've been dying to take at the local diner.  Afterwards, I started an impromptu jam session by inviting those around me to play their instruments with me.   It was a lot of fun playing with eight other townies outside the diner and everyone that dinner there really enjoyed show we put on.

Work is a lot of fun right now as I have joined the rock music branch of my music career.  Have already put on two concerts that were well attended and like to perform for the school children when the come to tour the theatre.  This has helped to improve my relationships with my co-workers and have become best friends with them all.

The biggest and best news is that I now have a finally found my true love.  Mick Situp has started stopping in for a visit more frequently since returning from Egypt and we have grown to love each other and just the other night we made our relationship public as we agreed to date each other exclusively.  We shared our first kiss to seal our love with each other and hope to be engaged and married in the near future and then find a bigger apartment to live in so we can raise a small family.

Mick and I saw each other almost daily after our engagement and we went on two wonderful dates together.  On our first date, I serenaded Mick with a song I wrote just for him and the second one we just stayed at home visiting, watching TV, dancing and of course some mushy stuffy.  Mick actually stayed so late that I left my sleeping bag out for him in case he got too tired to drive home and then went to bed myself.   The next day we decided it was time to get married and  I threw a small wedding party at my apartment for our close friends.    At the party, Mick and I quickly exchanged our rings and as our wedding guests were our witnesses we finally became husband and wife.  We hated to cut our wedding celebration short but my apartment was too small for us to live in, so after checking out the real estate listings on line we bought a one bedroom penthouse at 20563 17th Avenue which I think was in the same building where Mick lived before our wedding.  The penthouse is beautiful and after redecorating a little and adding a second bedroom we settled in to begin our new lives together.  There is even a little garden plot in the front of the building where Mick can work on his gardening skills to further his career in science.

Chapter Two:   Family Life

Shortly after we were married, I became pregnant with our first child.  With parenthood comes the responsibility of raising our children with lots of love and deciding what kind of a legacy to leave them with as both Mick and I know that our days are numbered as we are getting close to our senior years.  After much discussion,   we decided that living a moral life was the one thing that we wanted to pass to our children and future generations.  Mick and I know that living in the big city has the potential of luring the younger generation into doing things that would bring shame to their parents.  Lack of patience in many areas of life especially in romance is beginning to characterize the younger generation.  Many fall into the trap of believing that just because someone says they like your doesn't mean that they are in love and instead of waiting for their one true love, the young people of today fall for the first one that comes along and walk blindly into what they think is love but then through a series of heartbreaks they learn the hard way that blind love does not work.  Then there are those who jump from lover to lover  and then end up not knowing when the 'right one' comes along'.  So Mick and I want to teach our children how to live morally and wait patiently for the one who will become their life long partner in marriage.   Sometimes it can take awhile, like for Mick and I  and for some it comes a lot sooner but in the end 'true love' is always worth the wait as it helps to prevent a lot of heartbreak and broken up homes.  For Mick and I the wait has already paid off as we are now known as the "faithful" couple Bridgeport.  We would also like to praise our friends Keiler and Alicia for receiving the 'eternally faithful' recognition of the city.

Well our first child has arrived into the world and is now a happy toddler whom we named Michael after his father.  Mick and I are currently teaching him the things he needs to know before he starts school.   Unfortunately my second pregnancy ended with a miscarriage and now that I'm about to age up into my senior years, Mick and I have decided to adopt a baby girl who was recently dropped off at the local orphanage and we plan to name her Mitzi after my best friend I had growing up.  Mick has also received a promotion at work and we both have received requests to aid at various functions in our city.

Please join Mick and I as we enter our twilight years and raise our children to be happy, productive and moral living adults in  a world that is full of immorality and heartbreak which is the main cause of broken homes and unhappy children in the world.  If we can start teach our children how to live right as children the maybe that would result in a lot less violent crimes on the street.

Just after I left you, I received a job offer in the mail from the Twinbrook Llama soccer team offering me a chance to join their team.  Mick had just left on a trip to China when I this was received so naturally was waiting to talk it over with him when he called.  Shortly after that I received word from my husband that his plane had to make an emergency landing at the airport in Twinbrook due to technical difficulties with the flight.  Both Mick and I took this as a sign to pack up and move to Twinbrook so I could accept the job offer and Mick also decided to make a career change and is going to join the local business office.

Someone had left a little welcome gift for us that was a special doll for our son Michael as he had to leave his first one behind.   Our new home is located at 39 Sweetwater Loop with a nice yard with room to garden and have a tree house for our children.   The little girl we were going to adopt is actually here at the orphanage in Twinbrook as a social worker in Bridgeport arranged to bring her here so that we can complete the adoption process.  Our friends, Isaac and Carol Steel who lived here before sent us a some diluted Fountain of Youth water that Isaac found at his science lab and with a little experimentation was able find a formula that would take Mick and I back to when we just reached our adult years.   This gives us more time to raise our family so now that we are no longer in the big city our legacy focus is changing to teaching our children about the importance of providing a stable, loving home for children to grow up in which of course includes a good moral upbringing.

Shortly after getting our family settled into our new home,  brave little Misty was born into the family with black hair like her mother.  Of course, uncle Isaac had to send her a special doll as well as he loves to spoil our children and when Misty was old enough, she named her doll Beth and just loves her to pieces.    Michael started school a few days after Mitzi joined the family and has since aged up to his teenage years and breezes through his studies with straight A's.  At his prom, Michael was voted King and by the end of the evening had become romantically involved with Emerald Greenwood.   Mick and I have to teach Michael to control his outbursts of emotions that can sometimes turn into fights as he has a tendency to dramatized things and make mountains out of mole hills when issues arise in his life.   Michael is very intelligent and has decided that he wants to be a chess legend someday.

Mitzi also received honors when she graduated from elementary school.  She is our athletic child and loves the outdoors and has taken to fishing.  In fact, Mitzi loves fishing so much, that she wants to present the perfect aquarium someday with thirteen perfect fish, each of a different species.  Misty is also doing well in school and has signed up for ballet classes that are being offered at the school on Thursdays.  Mitzi had fun learning all sorts of useful survival techniques for different situations in life.
Shortly after Misty started school, Mick and I adopted a young boy by the name of Miguel whose father had passed away suddenly and his mother gone into such a deep depression over her husband's death that she could no longer give her son the care that he needed.

Mick worked in business for a few years and then was offered a higher position in the local government offices when he accepted.  He is doing so well in the political field that he has already become a town councilman.  I'm now a rookie on the local soccer team and will soon be playing in games once my maternity leave is over.   My boss wanted me to learn martial arts, so I took a quick trip to China to get the necessary equipment.  While there, I found an ancient relic for one of the locals and explored the caverns under the market and brought home some relics for the children in case they needed them for school.   I also found a garden where I  picked some pomelos, cherries, and potatoes to plant in my garden back home but the best part of the trip was when I visited the Scholar's Garden which is so beautiful.  There was an area there set up for practicing martial arts and was able to earn my first badge before coming home.

Life is flying by fast and I'm have reached my twilight years and Mick will soon be joining me in that age group as he is about to celebrate his birthday.  I think I'll take him back to the Banzai Lounge, which just recently opened in Twinbrook for a romantic evening.   We had a date together there before my trip where we had a wonderful time together.

Chapter 3  Watching Our Children Grow Up

Shortly after returning from China,  Mick and I had the joyous, yet tearful moment of seeing our youngest child start school.  Miguel is doing well and is also bringing home top marks and has a scavenger hunt to do this weekend.  He has to find various insects and bring them into school for extra marks.   Both Mitzi and Misty are on the honor roll in school and Mitzi recently returned from trip to France where she was asked by her teacher to interview a local from that country.  She had a lot of fun exploring a tomb and visiting the Nectary.  She brought home some special nectar grapes and a nectar making machine in hopes of learning how to make nectar.  When she graduates, Mitzi plans to move to a new town called Hidden Springs to set up her dream aquarium.  She is best friends with her classmate, Marcos Hunter and I wouldn't be surprise if they become romantically involved as they looked like they were having a good time watching the stars together, this evening.

Michael has graduated from high school at the top of his class and was named valedictorian and that makes his parents and siblings so proud of him.   After graduation, Michael took Emerald out on a dinner date and are now officially dating and I'm sure that wedding bells will be ringing in the near future.  Mick and I have decided to leave our estate to our eldest son and pray that he will carry on the legacy that we've taught our children of providing a stable and loving home life for our descendents which of course, results in a lifetime of faithfulness to one's family.

Mick and I have both reached our senior years and are still very much in love with each other.  In fact, our love only grows stronger with each passing day.  This has been very evident to our neighbors and friends and just like we did in Bridgeport we have gained the "eternally faithful" distinction here in Twinbrook.   Our careers are both going well, and I am now a rookie on the local soccer team with games on Wednesdays and Sundays.  Unfortunately we lost our first game but it was a close one and hopefully we can rebound to win the second.    Mick is now a town representative in the local government and plans to hold a campaign raiser one of these days.  He has several things on the go right now as someone is always wanting him to do something for them.    I'm also working at getting him fit and helped reach the first step towards physical fitness.

Chapter Four:  The Twilight Years

Lots of exciting things have happened since we last chatted, the most exciting of which is that our son, Michael and Emerald have become husband and wife at last.   We are very proud of Michael as has already received the reputation of being 'faithful' by our family, friends, and acquaintances here in Twinbrook as he remained faithful to Emerald throughout throughout their dating period.  Mick and I can't wait until the grandchildren start to arrive.   The wedding as beautiful and held in our own backyard with family and friends in attendance.  If fact, even though the wedding is over some of the guests are still cheering for the bride and groom.  Emerald had a beautiful wedding dress and the men of the family all work black tuxedos.   We plan to have the next wedding at the new wedding chapel in town as it just opened to the public, today.  Like he always does, the Grim Reaper did crash the wedding and took one of the guests but other than than that the wedding went off without a hitch.

Emerald has settled happily into our family and also wants to master the logic skill like Michael but she wants to be known as the Tinkerer and master handiness as well.  Michael wants to be a Chess legend someday.  Mick and I are proud to have her as our daughter-in-law.

Mick and I have decided to pass our legacy on in a different way by having two of our children as co-heirs  with the oldest being the primary heir.   Michael and Emerald will be the official heirs to our estate while Mitzi will continue to live with them while she completes her lifetime dream or gets married which ever comes first with the option of either staying as co-heir with Michael or moving out on her own if Mitzi wishes to do so.   We do plan to move to a larger home with more land so that if Mitzi decides to live on the family estate with her family there will be room to build them a house of their own.   

Mitzi, Misty and Miguel have all attended their prom.  Miguel and Mitzi were vote prom king and queen and were thrill to receive that honor.  Unfortunately neither were able to find someone to dance with that night, so they just had fun tearing up the dance floor, themselves.  They also both got into a couple of fights but the evening turned out alright.  The night really went to Misty as Zachary Jones-Brown confessed his attraction to her and they quickly became romantically involved.

I am now a starter on the local Llama Soccer Team and we won our game the day before the wedding.
Mick is now mayor of Twinbrook and has changed his lifetime wish to becoming world leader as he hasn't had the time to work on his mixology skills.  We both have the day off today to see our daughter, Mitzi graduate from high school and then she can focus on her aquarium.   Misty and Miguel just came home from France where they had to interview a local for school.  They had lots of fun where Misty learned how to make nectar and Miguel helped solve a mystery at the local museum.

The time has come to past our story onto Michael to continue writing our legacy with help from Mitzi in the upcoming second generation of our family.  Thank you for joining Mick and I from our start in Bridgeport and for following us to Twinbrook to raise our family.  Take care everybody and may you all reach your lifetime goals but not at the expense of your family as they come first.

Your friends,

Mindy & Mick

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