Tuesday 5 July 2011

Jan's House of Blues- Part 2, Chapter 2

Christopher was offered a job in local bistro in the city of Bridgeport, and after discussing it with me, we both agreed that the move would be a chance to have a fresh start in a new city where we could raise our children to be morally upright citizens.  After a lot of paperwork we quietly became husband and wife so no one could misunderstand our relationship.   We bought a home on Dean Road overlooking the water where Chris could fish in his spare time.  The house needed a lot of updates and we finally fixed it up as a comfortable to raise our children and so that I could start a daycare.

Since, I had reached the top of the DNA department in my law enforcement career, I decided it was time to work at home because  being a stay at home Mom is what I've always wanted to do when I became a mother.   Daycare is perfect for this as I get to take care of my own children as well as others whose parents have full time jobs to attend to.   My first week started with two children,   Sebastian Striker, son of Richie Striker and a vampire toddler, Belisama Hemlock who is the daughter of Morrigan.  Richie and Belisama have both been really impressed with how happy their children are in my care that they've each recommended me to friends of theirs.  On the last day of the first week (Thurs), a third toddler was added to my care, a cute little boy named Kris Mueller.   My work day runs from 9AM to 7PM, Monday thru Thursday and Chris has been wonderful in helping out when he is not working.  Did I mention how much I love that man?  Between the two of us we taught Sebastian how to talk and potty trained Belisama.  Oh, I did receive a promotion by the end of my first week

Chris is doing well at the restaurant and has also received two promotions and is working towards his lifetime goal of reaching the top of the culinary career.   He always makes sure I'm happy and after seeing that I was getting cabin fever from being in the house all week, took me on a date to a local bar and we danced the night away.  One my day off I took a cooking class so that I can get started on relearning my recipes as they got lost in the move.

Charity and Johanna are about to celebrate their birthdays, so Chris and I plan to throw a birthday party for them and get to know our neighbors better.  I almost got my first celebrity star last night but flubbed up on one of my attempts to impress the celebrity.  Don't worry though I'm sure Chris and I will be able to associate with that crowd before long.  Both Chris and I also want to live in a high rise building someday, maybe after our children are grown up and are taking over the family home with their own families, we get ourselves a nice apartment in the city to retire in.

At the end of my first week of  running 'Jan's Teddy Bear Daycare'  a third child was placed into my care.  His name is Kris Mueller who is a very happy little boy and his  younger sister, Anita joined him the following week.  By the end of my second week, I had the pleasure of being entrusted with the care of two more children.  The children and I bond  and I miss them when they start school but feel honored to have helped in their early care and development.  Chris has been a big help this week as he had few days off from work after the adoption of our son, Keiler.   Charity and Johanna help out after their homework is done by playing with or giving the toddlers their bottle when they want a snack.
Leia Stanton is a sweet little girl who always seems to have little smelly accidents, so she needs to be changed quite frequently.   One of the parents was so happy with how well his child was being taken care of that he sent us a floor dance pad and a giraffe family photo.

Chris went back to work today and switched his job to the local diner as Steve's Restaurant keeps getting bad reviews and he likes to take me to the diner when we go out on a date.   Charity and Johanna have met some new friends at school and one of them is Belisama, who was in my daycare the first week.   It will be nice to have her visit my children from time to time as she is a sweet girl even though she's a vampire.

My loving husband likes to take me out on a date when he sees me getting stressed out and need a few hours out of the house.  Sometimes we go to a movie or have dinner.  This week we went to the Butterfly Pavilion where Apollo Bloom entertained us with his drums and then we finished out the night watching the stars and seeing how many constellations we could find.  We love it here in Bridgeport and hope to make some friends as taking care of young children makes it harder to socialize with other adults.  With Chris back at work, he should be able to build friendships with his co-workers.

More parents have been sending their children to my daycare as my clients have been raving about the quality care that I've been providing.  Christopher deserves a lot of credit for this as he is a big help when things get busy.  He loves the children just as much as I do and his schedule allows him to help out, which I greatly appreciate.  My daycare runs Monday through Thursday and he doesn't leave for work until 2PM and has Wednesdays and Thursdays off and now that Johanna and Charity are in high school, they help out when they can, as well.  There are four children now that have been placed in my care and as the toddlers age up to go to school, I always have new toddlers to take care which keeps me from missing the others too much as they grow up.

Charity and Johanna are both doing well in school and are on the honor roll.  Keiler also has honors in elementary school.  Both Johanna and Keiler want to be world renown surgeons when they grow.  Charity, on the other hand, wants to be super popular so I've been encouraging her to learn charisma.  She is also a very talented writer, so she will probably be self employed as an author.   At her prom, Charity became romantically involved with Sebastian Striker, which makes me happy as Sebastian was one of my first two daycare children.  It's nice to see that he has grown up well.  Johanna was voted Prom Queen and had a lot of fun but did get into a fight with another student as she was caught eying someone's date.   Both Charity and Johanna have had many mood swing days and I had to ground Charity one night as she was caught out past curfew.

The household has gotten quite busy as Christopher adopted an orphan baby boy named Isaac and then shortly after that I got pregnant  with twins and delivered two healthy baby girls, Grace which is the middle name of the real Jan (Janet Grace) and Vaunda named after my grandmother.   So things are quite hectic with a house full of eight including three under school age.   When Charity graduates she hopes to move in with Sebastian or find an apartment and start a life of her own.

Just threw a wonderful birthday party for my hubby as Chris is now a senior and just has five promotions to go to reach his lifetime goals.  Since daycare keeps me too busy to learning all the recipes, I decided that I just want to see my children all grow up well to have productive goals and jobs and to be respectful of others.  Would be nice to become grandparents someday as well.  A couple of days after Christopher's birthday, I reached my senior years, as well.  Starting to feel the aches and pains that come with growing older but overall am still very healthy which is important to running a successful daycare.

Almost everyone in the household aged up at around the same time.  Charity aged up to young adulthood the day after her father's birthday.  Even though Charity's birth records got lost when we first moved to Bridgeport, she will always be our special daughter and her father and I are so proud of her and Johanna.  Johanna aged up shortly after Charity and both graduated from high school with honors and Johanna was voted to be class valedictorian.  The whole family is proud of them.   After graduating Charity joined the writers career and has written on novel so far that pays her $90/week in royalty checks and Johanna wants to be a world renown surgeon and has joined the medical profession and is well on her way to reaching her dreams.

Keiler attended his prom and was voted King of the prom.  He had a good night but was hurt when his closest friend in school denied him a dance and to add insult to injury she made fun of him before the whole class.  Hopefully Keiler will meet someone who loves him for who he is and if not maybe he find a rainbow gem to make his imaginary friend real.   Keiler will be graduating in a few days and is well on his way to graduating with honors.   Isaac is just about to start high school and is going to be the genius of the family and is a little overweight but a little exercise should take care of that.  Grace and Vaunda have both started school and since Charity and Johanna got their own apartments, Grace has taken over Johanna's old room and Vaunda is now in Charity's.

Yes, you read right Charity and Johanna have gotten an apartment together 1550 Bayshore Drive and turned a one bedroom apartment into two.  The apartment is small but suits their needs.  Silver stayed with them until they were settled.  I think Charity is already missing home as she wants me to make them a nice meal.   As a mother it is hard to see your children grow up and move out on their own but it is a necessary part of life and all you can do hope and pray that you've taught them enough so they can live on their own.  I worry a little about Charity as I'm not sure how diligent she'll be about writing her novels.    That's a mother's job to make sure that no matter where her children are that they are doing well.  Chris and I both had a nice chat with them on the phone the first night they moved and seem to be doing well, so far.   There are about three toddlers in my daycare now and I also take care of a couple of children after school and make sure they get their homework done.   Chris got promote to Sous-chef at his job so now he also has Mondays off which is wonderful because he is always a big help with the children, so I'm only on my own for a little bit until Keiler gets home from school.

Well that's all for now.  How will the golden years shape up for Chris and I?  Will we have the joy of seeing grandchildren born?  Only time will tell.

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